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NDIS Behaviour Support Plan Provider in Melbourne

Every individual, including people with disabilities, is unique and valuable. Certain individuals with disabilities express their thoughts and emotions in unconventional ways. The inability to respond correctly to such behaviours can lead to serious misunderstandings. NDIS behaviour support plan is one of the many mental health services provided by Miracle Hands, where accredited psychologists and counsellors can visit clients in their homes and provide assistance.

Through positive behaviour support, challenging behaviours can be understood and addressed, and replaced with more constructive forms of communication. This is the assistance that Miracle Hands provides through the behaviour support plan. NDIS Behaviour Support includes interventions such as the creation of a positive behaviour support plan and training for caregivers in behaviour management strategies. It also includes the development of life skills, as well as behavioural support, where the participant requires specific support in order to live as independently as possible.

NDIS Behaviour Support Plan is One of the Many Mental Health Services Provided by Miracle Hands

What Is Positive Behaviour Support and How Does It Work?

A behaviour support plan may be recommended for individuals who wish to seek help from a mental health professional. The plan outlines the skills that the patient must learn in order to eliminate problematic behaviour. Furthermore, only a mental health professional can administer the plan based on the patient’s needs. The plan also encourages the patient to take proactive steps to address the triggers. This is what a positive behaviour support plan is all about. The following activities are included in the support plan:

  • Client-focused planning: When developing the behaviour support plan, the patient’s personal goals, strengths, and areas for improvement are taken into account. Depending on what these are, the treatment will be aligned.
  • Evaluation and intervention: This is an essential component of a behaviour support plan because it determines which behaviour will be addressed and how it can be mitigated or improved.
  • Changes to the environment: This includes developing skills to assist a client in coping with current conditions, eliminating potential triggers, and implementing successful methods to manage the present situation.
  • Involvement of family and primary caregivers: The involvement of family members and caregivers is critical to ensuring that the patient receives the necessary support during the assessment and implementation.

The Australian government funds the NDIS behaviour support plan to assist citizens aged 7 to 65 who have a permanent and significant disability. As a registered NDIS service provider in Melbourne and Victoria, Miracle Hands offers participants accredited assistance, services, and professional help. If you or a loved one requires positive behaviour support, do not hesitate to call us on 1800 595 184 or contact us at [email protected]. Our experts will reach out to you and help you enrol in the plan. The time is now!

Looking For Short-term Accommodation Including Respite?


If you don’t have your NDIS plan yet, we can help you apply and get ready for your planning meeting.
Call 1800 595 184 to get a quote today!

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